Ulysses Nelson Branch Committee 2024-2025
The Committee meet each month, unless otherwise stated.
Coordinator: Lorraine Lindsay 021 276 5656 Email: Nelson@Ulysses.org.nz
Vice Coordinator: Vicki McGhee 021 278 3552 Email: vickimcghee57@gmail.com
Secretary: Communications, Website, WhatsApp, New Members, Membership Administrator
John Johnstone 027 416 4666 Email: Nelson.Sec@Ulysses.org.nz
Treasurer: Michelle Nunes-Vaz 021 462 312 Email: michelle@acctg4good.co.nz
Committee Members:
Tony Cutten 021 985 824 Email: tonycutten@gmail.com
Gary Furness 022 177 2502 Email: garryrobf@gmail.com
Mike Henderson 027 245 7144 Email: redmike1951@gmail.com
Rides Committee:
Rides & Events Coordinator: Allan Smith 03 539 6373 or 027 303 0332 Email: allan-annika@xtra.co.nz
Ride Committee members:
Gerry Tonkin 027 717 2562 Email: gt6137@gmail.com
Vicki McGhee 021 278 3552 Email: vickimcghee57@gmail.com
Bryan Penny 027 246 8361 Email: tbpenney@gmail.com
Christina Chersano 022 170 2310 Email: chersanoc@gmail.com
Plus all non-office committee members unless otherwise stated.
Non-Committee Roles
New Members Mentor:
Mike Henderson 027 245 7144 Email: redmike1951@gmail.com
Welfare Officer:
TBC: Committee to take action as required or requested by members.
Tony Cutten 021 985824 Email: tonycutten@gmail.com
Newsletter Editor, PBase Gallery:
Allan Smith 03 548 5561 Email: allan-annika@xtra.co.nz
Contact Hank or Gavin in the first instance via Facebook to get access to branch Facebook page.